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August 4, 2008
Why Barack Obama Will Never Be Batman
Would Barack Obama be
willing to take an unpopular action because he believes it is the right
action? Would he sacrifice his popularity for his country?
Batman would.
The Dark Knight is not merely an extraordinary movie and an excellent final
performance by Heath Ledger. It is the story of America, its people and
its leaders. And it brings forth serious questions about Obama’s
presidential fitness, or lack thereof.
Let us begin with the
similarities. Both Batman and Obama are rich.
Both have advocated
surrender. When the Joker began terrorizing the city by promising to
kill people every day until Batman revealed his true identity, Batman
decided to turn himself in rather than fight on to finally eliminate the
terrorist by risking further casualties. Indeed, he was further
pressured to surrender by the weak citizens of Gotham, who were begging
for capitulation to the Joker’s demands because they believed that such
a concession would stop the killing. Unfortunately, they were blind to
the implications of rewarding an irrational terrorist’s violent behavior
and threats. Without knowing it, they were merely encouraging him to be
Luckily, Harvey Dent
knocked some sense into Batman by taking the fall for him, at which
point Batman realized that he could not let the Joker win. Of course,
even when the Joker believed that he had gotten his wish (Batman’s
surrender), he nonetheless pursued his violent impulses, knocking out an
entire SWAT contingent in an attempt to kill Batman. So much for
bargaining with terrorists.
Just when things
appeared to be at their worst, the real Batman went all out, engaging
both his batmobile and batpod to fiercely pursue and knock out the Joker
– a surge of effort, if you will, that helped to get the Joker off the
streets (until his inadequate prison guards let him escape).
So just when things
appeared to be at their worst in Gotham, Batman went from the brink of
surrender to taking the fight to the Joker, and winning. Yet just when
things appeared to be at their worst in Iraq, Obama rejected the surge
and embraced surrender – an action that would have resulted in chaos on
a scale imaginable by no human. Thankfully, he was not president at the
time, and the U.S. instead initiated a surge that is winning the Iraq
War with striking success.
Would you trust a man
of Obama’s infirmity to be Batman? And then, would you trust a man who
does not possess the leadership qualities of Batman to be president of
the world’s only superpower?
The list of differences
between Obama and Batman is long:
Batman is
incorruptible. Obama asked for a $1 million earmark for his wife’s
hospital not too long after she received a $195,000 raise, 270 percent
of what she had been making prior to him taking office.
Batman is willing to
bend some rules to kidnap a criminal from Hong Kong in order to bring
him to justice. Obama would have asked the United Nations if he could
please borrow the criminal, failed, and tried again, but this time with
a pretty smile.
Batman was willing to
utilize a system mapping all of Gotham’s cell phones in order to find
the Joker and bring peace back to Gotham. Until it recently became
inconvenient for Obama to appear weak on national security, he ardently
opposed a narrow wiretapping bill that is crucial to our efforts to
fight terrorism.
Batman did not mind
using physical pain to get life-saving information out of criminals he
knew had such vital information. Obama would also advocate such
interrogation techniques. Ha! Just kidding.
Although he is willing
to coordinate with others when their goals are similar, Batman has
absolutely no problem acting unilaterally when he thinks it is needed.
Obama would beg the corrupt leaders of the world for permission before
taking an action to protect America.
Batman learned one of
the movie’s important lessons: “Some men aren’t looking for anything
logical. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.” Obama, on the other hand,
wants to sit down and negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong
But most importantly,
Batman went so far as to frame himself for another’s murders, thus
sacrificing himself and his popularity, only to save his city. Would
Obama do the same? Would the man who refused to visit our troops while
in Germany because he wasn’t allowed to bring along cameras take a
necessary action, even if that action made him subject to the media’s
and the people’s criticism?
There is yet to be any
hint that he would. Virtually every major position Obama has taken in
the last few years has also been the preferred position of the majority
of those voting in an upcoming election in which he is a candidate. At
this rate, he will never be the “new” politician he claims to be. And he
will certainly never be Batman, not even metaphorically.
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