Gregory D. Lee Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
July 24, 2009
Will Janet Napolitano Arrest an Illegal Alien for Any Reason?
The Department of
Homeland Security, under the direction of Secretary Janet Napolitano,
recently announced that it will modify a highly successful program that
allows local police officers to enforce federal immigration law. Apparently
the program was becoming too successful and something had to be done to stop
it, pronto.
It seems that civil
liberties and illegal alien advocacy groups don’t like illegals being
arrested for immigration violations when they commit only minor offenses
such as urinating in public and speeding. Immigration law-trained police
officers, who encounter someone drunk in an alley relieving himself or a
speeder, use their federally provided training to determine if the guy is
here illegally. Officers take these people into custody and turn them over
to immigration authorities for deportation. So what’s the problem?
The problem, as seen by
Secretary Napolitano, is that these advocacy groups have thrown down the
race card alleging that police officers are using the dreaded “racial
profiling” technique to arrest these people. This is absurd, but she bowed
to their demands and has given police departments 90 days’ notice to accept
new restrictions on who can be arrested.
Apparently the intent of the law allowing local police officers to enforce
U.S. immigration law is to target "criminal aliens" who commit violent
crimes, as opposed to your garden variety illegal alien who commits
infractions like speeding and urinating in public. But by virtue
of someone’s mere presence in this country illegally, they are subject to
arrest. Nothing in immigration law says that someone here illegally who does
not commit a violent crime isn’t eligible for deportation. Establishing a
policy that ignores someone's immigration status for fear of being accused
of racial profiling is not only bad government policy, but serves as an
incentive for more people of all nationalities to flock here and take
American jobs.
profiling is a myth. Police encounter illegal aliens overwhelmingly because
they have done something stupid like speeding or urinating in public, not
because they belong to a particular racial group. If in the course of a
police encounter the officer determines that the alien is in the country
illegally, should he ignore this because the alien only committed a minor
infraction? Should a police officer who has been trained to enforce
immigration law ignore that Mexican nationals illegally residing here
perfectly fit the profile of, say, a Mexican? Immigrant rights groups want
the bar set so high before a police officer can question someone about their
immigration status that it can seldom be reached. That’s exactly what
Napolitano’s new policy does, and it’s contrary to our national interests
and makes a mockery of the law.
of all illegal aliens are non-Mexicans who are in this country longer than their
visas allow. They seek employment, housing, government benefits and sham
marriages to U.S. citizens to justify not being deported. These “overstays”
are well documented as being here illegally, and accusations of racial
profiling generally do not apply because they lack political action groups.
These people also need to be sent home.
illegal Mexican aliens sit on a curb drinking beer in front of your home,
listen to loud mariachi music blaring from their unregistered and uninsured
vehicle and then relieve themselves on your front lawn, your quality of life
suffers. When they get into their car, leaving their empty beer cans on the
street, and drive away intoxicated, it becomes a public safety issue. If
they run over someone and flee the scene, is that criminal enough for
Secretary Napolitano to deport them? Or will she only do that if the person
they run over dies? At what point will this administration say it won't
tolerate any crimes committed by illegal aliens? Because they have no
legitimate roots here, when the heat is on, illegal aliens flee to their
home country where they resume their normal life without taking any
responsibility for their actions here.
people are exploiting DHS’s politically correct policies. Secretary
Napolitano needs a spanking for not standing up to these special interest
groups and allowing them to dictate immigration enforcement policy.
Where’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio when you need him?
Gregory D. Lee can be reached through his web site: www.gregorydlee.com.
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