Gregory D. Lee Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
July 3, 2009
Why Sarah Palin Scares Democrats
Recently, Alaska Gov.
Sarah Palin traveled to Auburn, New York, and led a parade to celebrate
Founder’s Day and help raise money to build a museum to honor William
Seward, the secretary of state who was instrumental in acquiring Alaska for
the country. Twenty thousand people attended the event chanting, “Run,
Sarah, run!”
Would Sen. John Kerry
attract that many people in Massachusetts for a similar event? Not likely.
That’s the rub with
Democrats. They see Gov. Palin as a unifying force within the Republican
Party who will bring a credible challenge to its power base. Her rock solid
conservative credentials, coupled with charisma, affable personality and
abundance of common sense, scare the hell out of Democrats who have already
started demonizing her before she gets too much more traction. Unfortunately
for the Democrats, she is the most popular Republican since her
vice-presidential nomination acceptance speech at the 2008 convention, and
there are no signs her popularity is waning. In fact, it seems to increase
with every Democratic attack hurled toward her.
Last week an esteemed
former Democratic presidential nominee and sitting member of the U.S.
Senate, took the latest juvenile potshot at Gov. Palin. After hearing that
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford had gone missing for several days to have a
rendezvous with his Argentine mistress, Sen. John Kerry remarked to a group
of businessmen, “Too bad if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have
been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin.” What a guy! It’s too
bad he didn’t go missing in Vietnam where he could have had long
conversations with Sen. John McCain.
To compound his
stupidity, at the time of Sen. Kerry’s remark, Gov. Palin was overseas
visiting members of the Alaska National Guard who were called to active
duty, to express her thanks and support for their service. Contrasting this
patriotic gesture, Sen. Kerry is on record accusing U.S. soldiers of
terrorizing women and children in Iraq.
I heard something about
Sen. Kerry being a Vietnam veteran during his presidential campaign. (Who
didn’t?). While running for president, Democrats wanted you to forget that
as an anti-war advocate, he lied in congressional testimony about witnessing
alleged atrocities committed by military members. He also lied about being
in Cambodia on a secret mission when no such mission took place. But he gets
a free pass from liberals and the press (I know that’s redundant) because
lying is acceptable to achieve their goals of undermining national defense
and raising taxes.
David Letterman’s
writers seized the opportunity to slam Gov. Palin on her recent visit to New
York City to accept an award as a strong advocate for children with
disabilities. During one of his monologues, Letterman said that Gov. Palin
and her daughter were attending a baseball game at Yankee Stadium and
“during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”
It turned out that the daughter accompanying the governor was her
14-year-old, and not the vilified 18-year-old Bristol Palin, who became
pregnant out of wedlock. Regardless of which daughter was there, would any
prominent Democratic woman governor be the butt of such jokes?
Letterman later
reluctantly apologized, but the damage had already been done. Americans
admired Gov. Palin’s composure, and Democrats cringed once again.
Gov. Palin’s popularity
among liberals would increase substantially if she had aborted her Down
Syndrome baby. Maybe, if she said she smoked but didn’t inhale marijuana,
advocated open borders, opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, called the
CIA a bunch of liars and believed in spreading the wealth around by spending
trillions of borrowed dollars on the guise of “economic stimulus,” the media
would fawn over her.
But that’s not Sarah
Palin. She’s the real deal. She’s the antidote for President Obama, Sen.
Kerry and their liberal friends in Congress. As president she would restore
national security, fiscal responsibility and U.S. world leadership. And the
Democrats know it.
The more Democrats hurl
insults at Gov. Palin, the stronger and more resilient she becomes. If she
should become the first woman president of the United States, she will
always be compared to another non-white male president, President Obama.
I look forward to the
comparison. Run, Sarah, run!
Gregory D. Lee is a nationally syndicated columnist who can
be reached through www.gregorydlee.com.
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