Gregory D. Lee Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
June 19, 2009
Another Towel Please, Mohammad; Uighur Terrorists Head for
Just when you thought
the Obama Administration couldn’t further mismanage the global war on
terror, renamed “man-made disasters” or “overseas contingency operations,”
it did.
The U.S. quietly flew
out four Uighur Chinese Muslim detainees from Guantanamo Naval base to, of
all places, the British-possessed island of Bermuda, just off Florida’s east
coast. There they will become “foreign guest workers” and presumably
assimilate into the population. GM has a better chance of making a profit
this year than there is of that happening. Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton violated the British chain-of-command by negotiating directly with
Bermudan authorities who also conveniently failed to notify their British
caretakers – and the Brits are not happy. Britain may assert its authority
and send the four Uighurs back to China where they are badly sought.
So long as these four
trained Muslim terrorists reside in Bermuda with the intent to someday
overthrow China by violent means, there is a good chance Americans and Brits
will encounter them. Imagine being a snowbird who is poolside at a luxury
hotel next winter in Bermuda, and the attendant handing you a soft, terry
cloth towel for your chaise is one of these characters. Would you blink in
I wouldn’t take
Attorney General Eric Holder’s word that these guys don’t hold a grudge
against the U.S. They were rounded up by U.S. troops in Afghanistan and held
for seven years in Gitmo without trial until a federal judge ordered them
released last year. The U.S. government ignored the order until it could
find any country, other than China, willing to take them. Even if
they didn’t hold a grudge against the U.S. when they were captured at an Al
Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, they may now. No matter how you slice
it, these guys conspired to overthrow an established government and kill
people to advance their delusional cause. Doesn’t that matter to anyone in
this administration?
Our government is now
in negotiations with Palau, a former U.S. protectorate and small Western
Pacific island near the Philippines, to take the 13 remaining Uighur Chinese
terrorists held in Gitmo. Apparently the negotiations are going well for
Palau. It’s managed to get Hillary’s special envoy to agree to $200 million
in “aid” money. That equates to $10,000 for every man, woman and child
living in exchange for allowing these yahoos to become foreign guest
workers. With the current exchange rate, every Palauan will probably make
more, in terms of real buying power, then the CEOs of GM, Chrysler and AIG
combined thanks to a pay czar who determines their paltry salaries.
Obama needs to replace
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with whoever is doing the negotiating
for Palau.
Giving aid to Palau or
any other country in exchange for accepting Gitmo detainees is an ugly and
expensive precedence. In the eyes of the world, we are now not only viewed
as weak, but stupid. That’s quite an accomplishment. Any country could
accept Gitmo detainees on “humanitarian” grounds in exchange for huge
amounts of money, and then later renege and send them back to their
homelands on any flimsy excuse.
On top of all this,
when terrorists are now captured in Afghanistan, Holder’s U.S. Justice
Department has ordered FBI agents to read them their Miranda rights before
they are interrogated. Why would terrorists voluntarily give up any
actionable intelligence if he can receive a free lawyer, a free trip to the
U.S. and a job in Bermuda or Palau if he keeps his mouth shut? This tells me
Gitmo will not be replaced, and law enforcement will conduct “overseas
contingency operations” instead of the military and the CIA. Terrorists will
be routinely tried in U.S. federal courts instead of military commissions,
and all progress made in this mighty struggle since 9/11 will evaporate. The
entire war effort has gone full circle, and the security of the U.S. could
be in the balance.
The Obama
Administration never misses an opportunity to further weaken National
Warning to infidels:
Check your towel for a hand grenade wrapped in it the next time you’re in
Bermuda or Palau.
Gregory D. Lee is a nationally syndicated columnist for North
Star Writers Group. You can contact him at: info@gregorydlee.com.
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