Gregory D. Lee Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
April 24, 2009
Democrats Are Managing to Offend Everyone
It seems that since the
inauguration, liberals have been drunk with power, but they are now sobering
up to a massive hangover. In less than 90 days, they have managed to offend
most Americans, including the ones who put them in power.
President Obama’s first
official act was to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed within a year and to
give consideration to releasing some detainees in the U.S. instead of
sending them to their homeland where they belong. A backlash immediately
followed from every community where these detainees might be tried or
resettled. Almost the entire nation was offended.
Then, Attorney General
Eric Holder said white people were cowards regarding race relations,
offending many whites.
President Obama began
nominating tax evaders for cabinet level positions, offending all American
taxpayers. He then signed a $787 billion pork-laden stimulus bill that
nobody read, and that grants tax refunds for people who do not pay taxes.
Before you could say
“Tea Party,” large numbers of Republicans, Democrats and independents,
fearing they will soon have their taxes raised, gathered all over the
country to protest the government’s out-of-control spending. Nancy Pelosi
quipped that the protestors were disgruntled wealthy white Republican
racists who wanted to keep tax breaks for the “rich.” That comment offended
rich, white Republicans.
Actress Janeane
Garofalo added: “This is about hating a black man in the White house. This
is racism straight up. That is nothing but a bunch of tea-bagging rednecks.”
Her comments, of course, offended disgruntled redneck racists. Everyone else
was cool with it.
The president then
approved U.S. taxpayer-funded foreign abortions. Catholics were offended. He
then ordered DEA to not enforce federal marijuana laws in those states that
have approved it as “medicine,” potentially increasing the number of drug
abusers in those states, which offended the law enforcement and non-doper
Then Department of
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano released an analysis that
veterans, those who oppose abortion and illegal immigration or didn’t vote
for Obama, and other people assumed to be “right-wing extremists,” are
potential recruits for domestic terror organizations. Veteran’s
organizations, other patriots and more law-abiding citizens were immediately
President Obama then
went to Europe and apologized for America’s arrogance (in France, no less)
and said that America is not a country founded on religion, further
offending religious Americans.
President Obama’s
handlers then requested a religious symbol of Jesus be covered during a
presidential speech at Georgetown University, offending even more Catholics.
President Obama then
released top secret memos from the Bush Administration about approved
enhanced interrogation techniques, despite objections from some Democrats
who saw no useful purpose in it. The entire intelligence community was
I don’t think the DHS
report and the systematic attacks on religion are coincidental. President
Obama has picked like-minded cabinet secretaries like Janet Napolitano and
Eric Holder to put his words into action. Words like,
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small
towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s
replaced them. And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to
guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or
anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their
frustrations.” This sounds chillingly similar to the recent DHS report.
It’s obvious that
President Obama and his liberal friends are trying to make up for lost time
and want to make as many changes as soon as possible before they are thrown
out on their ear, regardless of the ramifications to the country or who gets
Many liberals are
non-religious, dope smoking, illegal immigrant supporting, non-achieving tax
evaders who are not easily offended. They want to raise achievers’ taxes
while throwing insults at them. They think that achievers will quietly work
for free as the government takes every penny they earn to pay for new,
massive, out-of-control spending.
The backlash has just
begun and should come to a head just in time for the mid-term elections. For
liberty’s sake, let’s hope so.
Gregory D. Lee is a nationally syndicated columnist for North
Star Writers Group. He can be reached through his web site:
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