Gregory D.
Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
February 27, 2009
Eric Holder’s Right: Too Many Cowardly White People
To celebrate “Black
History Month,” Attorney General Eric Holder spoke to a group of
Department of Justice employees and said that America is “essentially a
nation of cowards” when it came to race relations. He was obviously
speaking about white people, and I have to admit that I agree with him.
What do you expect from
white people who, for most of their adult lives, have been subjected to
non-stop reminders about how blacks were victimized as slaves by whites,
and how blacks have been subjected to racism ever since the Emancipation
Proclamation? Americans have been taught by the political left that only
whites are racists, and it’s impossible for blacks, or any other
minority for that matter, to be racists.
Every interaction
whites have at their workplace with black peers, subordinates or
superiors is a risk they take of being labeled a “racist.” I submit
Jimmy the Greek as just one of many examples of white men who have said
or done something that offended hyper-sensitive blacks. Jimmy told a
television reporter that in the days of slavery, blacks were bred to
have superior physical strength for hard work in the fields. That was
the end of his career as a sports analyst for CBS, despite his statement
being true.
Whites can be labeled
racists for virtually everything they say, write or do. I’m sure I’ll
get hate e-mails from people with a chip on their shoulder that will
view me as a racist because of this column. Take Rev. Al Sharpton, who
has a chip on his shoulder larger then a California redwood tree. He
sees racism at every opportunity. He was last offended by a political
cartoon that appeared in the New York Post. Connecticut police
officers killed a chimpanzee that went berserk after attacking
its owner’s friend. The cartoon depicts two police officers shooting a
chimpanzee, and one of the officers remark that someone else will have
to write the stimulus bill. Rev. Sharpton, of course, immediately called
the political cartoon racist because equating blacks to monkeys is an
old racial stereotype, and the president is black.
Someone needs to tell
the Reverend that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wrote the bill, not
the president. Speaker Pelosi was not offended, as far as I know.
What the Attorney
General doesn’t realize or won’t admit is that most whites have been
discriminated against by government and liberal universities for decades
under the guise of “affirmative action.” I would suspect that AG Holder
has been the beneficiary of favoritism simply because he’s black. Where
he has routinely received preferential treatment, whites have endured
endemic discrimination because of government policies allegedly designed
to “even the playing field.” In light of whites being passed over for
many years in the field of college and professional/graduate school
admissions, employment and promotion, in favor of lesser qualified
blacks, do you blame them for not wanting to snuggle up to the very
people who are the direct cause of their discrimination?
When I attended college
in the mid-1970s, I got into a lively debate with a black female
sociology instructor about affirmative action. I maintained it was
reverse discrimination against whites, and she justified the practice
due to past discrimination against blacks. She eventually conceded my
point, and to my surprise said, “If whitey’s stupid enough to let blacks
get away with it (affirmative action favoritism), then you can’t blame
blacks for taking advantage of it.” How right she is. She revealed the
dirty little secret blacks have known for years: Affirmative action is
blatant discrimination against whites, but liberal white guilt over
slavery and racism in the mid-20th Century has allowed it to
continue and expand for generations.
Barack Obama’s election
as our nation’s first black president, and his subsequent appointment of
the nation’s first black attorney general, has created a dilemma for
black race baiters. How do you justify continuing affirmative action
programs when you have a black president? Everyone but them realizes
that even if every black in America, registered to vote or not, voted
for President Obama, he would not have won the election without the
support of whites. So where’s the discrimination?
President Obama’s
election should bring the end to affirmative action policies. Only then
will whites regain their courage to mingle with other races without fear
of being called racists. Can’t we all just get along?
Gregory D. Lee is a nationally syndicated columnist for North
Star Writers Group. He can be reached through his web site:
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