Read Paul's bio and previous columns
March 31, 2008
One Hundred Columns
late 2005, after having written opinion pieces for years, I became
syndicated with North Star Writers Group. And today, I write my 100th
syndicated column. What better can I do to celebrate, I thought, than to
revisit some of my best work among my 99 last columns? So, without
further ado, I present to you some of Paul Ibrahim’s most memorable
columns to date:
December 28, 2005, for my very first column, I wrote “By
All Means, Monitor My Arabic Conversations,” in which I complained
about those who sought to use me for their own political purposes. I
made my position clear: “I heartily
accept the risk of letting the U.S. government know what brand of hummus
I am purchasing, if such an inconvenience is part of intelligence
procedures that will ensure the survival of the greatest nation in the
planet’s history.”
September 20, 2006, I wrote “Chafee:
A Symptom of the GOP’s Incumbency Disease,” which corresponded with
the period during which I became increasingly disaffected with the
Republican Party. Indeed I was later proven correct (as I indicated in “I
Told You Lincoln Chafee Wasn’t a Republican”) when Lincoln Chafee
left the GOP and endorsed Barack Obama, even though John McCain had
helped him survive a grueling primary in 2006.
September 27, 2006, I penned “History’s
Nicest Imperialist Power,” one of my all-time personal favorites. I
used Hugo Chavez’s words to conclude that “for
imperialist, hegemonic power led by the devil himself, we’re really not
that bad.”
January 8, 2007, I wrote “The
House Non-Intelligence Committee,” in which I condemned new House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi for appointing Congressman Silvestre Reyes to the
chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, even though he did not
know what religion Al Qaeda adhered to, nor what Hezbollah even was. It
is nauseating that this man was, and continues to be, in a position that
is supposed to help keep our country and world safe.
January 29, 2007, I authored “Sorry,
Hugo, Jesus Is No Socialist,” where I once and for all dismissed the
left-wing insistence that Jesus was a socialist. From God’s perspective,
I noted, a man’s willing donation is a Christian act, whereas the forced
taxation of that man is hardly so.
On February
26, 2007, I wrote “You’ve
Already Been Repaired, Jesse,” taking it upon myself to remind Jesse
Jackson that he has received his reparations by virtue of being born in
the United States. Besides, I indicated, the black community is not the
only one that has suffered in the past.
March 5, 2007, I wrote “Mexican
Hypocrisy Really Crosses the Line,” where I admonished the Mexican
government for its hypocrisy and lack of ethics. This column goes hand
in hand with “Have
Fun in Mexico, Elvira Arellano,” which exhibits even more outrageous
behavior on behalf of Mexican leadership.
March 19, 2007, when things were still looking relatively bleak in Iraq,
I pleaded that Americans “Give
Iraq a Chance.” At least the Bush administration did, and for this
reason, we are seeing tremendous progress in Iraq today.
On May
28, 2007, I wrote “Why
Lebanon Matters,” explaining the importance of the small but
strategic Middle Eastern country. A few months later, I wrote “U.S.
Support Needed for Western-Style Democracy in Lebanon”
from Lebanese soil, addressing some of the same issues with a local
May 21, 2007, I penned “Non-Interventionism
Ruins Ron Paul’s Run,” which also proved to be my first true
exposure to the, oh how you say, “spirited” Ron Paul phenomenon. I had
never received so much negative feedback from right-wingers (although
they still did not supersede the vitriolic criticism I have received
from the radical left). That said, I was right – although most true
conservatives agreed with much of Ron Paul’s domestic policies, they
were not willing to take a chance on his non-interventionist naïveté.
On July 16, 2007,
however, I wrote something that the Ron Paul revolutionaries should
enjoy, in “Making
It Without the Help of Nanny State.” Indeed, this one sits near the
top of the works I am most proud of having produced.
October 29, 2007, as election season was kicking into high gear, I
authored “The
Myth of Rudy Giuliani’s Electability,” which was one of my finest
conventional-wisdom-busting columns that I love so much. When my
prediction that Rudy Giuliani would get nowhere materialized, I
continued to shoot down the erroneous justifications for his loss that
came from those same people who had previously called the race for
Giuliani. I short, I pointed out that “Rudy
Giuliani Lost Because He Was No Conservative.”
November 12, 2007, I wrote “If
America’s Image Is So Bad, Why Do Pro-Americans Like Sarkozy Keep
Getting Elected?” This column pointed out the scarcely publicized
fact that our democratic allies are overwhelmingly opting for
pro-American and conservative leaders, despite local liberals’
insistence that President Bush has turned the world against us. For this
reason, the column received significant national attention.
And finally, on February 18, 2008, I wrote “Let
Me Explain, My Liberal Friends: Here’s Why We Seek a Reaganite,”
which sought to clarify the mysterious concept of Reagan conservatism
and the search for a Reaganite president to those on the other side of
the aisle.
There are many more
columns worthy of being mentioned. As always, however, I am limited by
word and time limits. But these, my friends, are columns that are both
memorable and that have continued to be relevant today. I can only hope
that in some way, they are helping make a more moral, peaceful and
prosperous world.
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