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January 7, 2008
The Ten Best Stories of
The year we sent off last week was quite mixed. It thus seems
appropriate to create lists of the worst and best stories of 2007.
Last week, I listed the 10 worst stories of 2007. This week, I
present to you the 10 best stories of 2007:
10. Burj Dubai becomes
the world’s tallest freestanding structure: This story presents dual reasons to cheer. First, it
represents the power of free trade and the global economy in improving
technology and humanity’s standard of living. Second, it demonstrates
the ability of capitalism to modernize Muslim countries such as the
United Arab Emirates, incorporate their economies into the global
economy and eliminate the need for their poor and destitute to resort to
radicalism and terror.
9. Coburn and DeMint
fight big spenders:
As they did under the Republican majority, Senators Tom Coburn and Jim
DeMint heroically stood up to big spenders and porkers under the
Democratic majority in the Senate. They understand that the Republicans
lost Congress because of their betrayal of small government principles,
and along with some colleagues in the House, they have every intention
of taking back the GOP for fiscal conservatives.
8. Bush stands up to
the Democrats:
After years of overseeing increased spending and a widening budget
deficit, President Bush finally found the fiscal conservative in him and
went on a veto spree. It hasn’t accomplished as much as one would hope,
but it did slow down the Democrats’ campaign to continue government
enlargement. Predictably, Bush also held his ground on Iraq, which left
nothing going right for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
7. Sarkozy elected
president of France:
The obvious good news for Americans here is President Nicolas Sarkozy’s
unabashed admiration of American principles. Perhaps the most notable of
the many pro-American leaders recently elected by the world’s greatest
democracies, Sarkozy represents a new era of Western cooperation in
combating the threats of the 21st Century. This is not to mention his
significant, however imperfect, adoption of pro-growth policies that are
bound to boost France’s lagging economy.
6. Scientists find stem
cell alternatives:
One study found that stem cells are in abundant supply in amniotic
fluid, and another team of scientists reported that they are able to
reprogram easily available human cells into ones that behave just like
stem cells. These supplement previous studies showing the effectiveness
of stem cells derived from umbilical cords. If these new avenues are
pursued, as they should be, the embryonic stem cell debate becomes moot
(barring political incentives to the contrary).
5. Comprehensive
Immigration Act crashes:
Passionate phone calls and letters flooded Senate offices as Republican
and Democratic senators prepared to offer illegal immigrants amnesty
with President Bush’s support. In the end, common sense succeeded and
the bill failed. Though immigrants have been and will continue to be
vital to America’s success (I am one myself), granting amnesty to
illegal immigrants will incentivize more illegal immigration, lead to
national security problems and remain fundamentally unfair to those who
have and are waiting in line to get into the country legally.
4. Supreme Court
upholds partial-birth abortion ban: Virtually every legitimate poll shows that most Americans are opposed to
partial-birth abortion. This is no surprise. The “procedure” involves
partially pulling an often viable baby out of the mother feet first, and
subsequently inserting instruments that suck his/her brains out,
crushing the skull. Legislation to ban partial-birth abortion was twice
vetoed by Bill Clinton, and finally signed by President Bush in 2003.
Further delays in the courts caused the law’s constitutionality to be
upheld as late as 2007, but it is certainly better late than never.
3. Economy remains
Contrary to the media’s warnings of an inevitable recession, which they
have been predicting since the last recession, 2007 proved to be yet
another good year for the economy. The unemployment rate remained at
historically low levels as the economy added jobs for a record-breaking
52 consecutive months. Gross Domestic Product continued its strong
growth – the third quarter of 2007 showed a 4.9 percent growth in GDP,
which is almost like adding the entire economy of Australia to the
United States. Inflation continues to be low. The fact that the economy
has been able to withstand high oil prices and the bursting housing
bubble shows, if anything, resilience and solidity.
2. America is not
attacked by terrorists: If the United States was attacked in 2007, who would have
been blamed for it? It would take about five seconds for pundits to talk
about how the administration failed to protect the country, was
distracted by Iraq, blah blah blah. So why shouldn’t the administration
get credit for keeping the country safe? We know for a fact that there
were several terrorist plots against America that were foiled, so it
wasn’t a coincidence either. Considering that the world’s major
terrorists have their sights set on the United States and are actively
trying to destroy it, the fact that we have not been attacked is one of
the greatest stories of 2007 and the years before it.
1. Success in Iraq: The progress seen in 2007 on the ground in Iraq is nothing
short of remarkable. When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the
Iraq War “lost,” our troops responded by showing they can win despite
stabs to their morale by their elected leaders. Thanks to the 21,000
surge troops, and to those already on the ground, the United States is
clearly winning the foremost battle in the global war on terror. These
men and women have made our year.
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