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May 19, 2008
There’s Too Much at
Stake for Conservatives to Shrug Like Atlas
Conservatives don’t love John McCain, but unless they’re considering
abandoning their cause with Atlas Shrugged proportions, there’s
no way in hell they’ll vote for Barack Obama.
Sometimes, things have to get worse before they get better. And with
that idea in mind, the conservative movement really is America’s crutch.
The most specific example is economics, as conservatives constantly
preach lower taxes and greater individual freedom. One would think that
the Bush tax cuts, which have yielded continued economic growth (yes,
our economy is growing, despite the lies you keep hearing), and the
burgeoning economy during the Reagan Administration would provide enough
proof to, at the very least, convince people that maybe, just maybe,
there’s something to be said for lower taxes.
But still, half the country is supporting politicians – Obama, most
notably – who would promptly take more of your money if given the
chance. Anyone who values financial freedom can thank those among us who
reject the evil philosophy of giving great power to a minority.
Conservatism consistently strikes me as the sane side of the coin
concerning almost every other major issue. And this is why it is so
shocking to me that there is such wide support for Barack Obama, who has
the following things going for him:
McCain looks like he could be Barack’s grandfather.
Obama hasn’t been around long enough to have already taken both sides of
every major issue, as have many of his colleagues, which explains the
appearance of strong convictions.
He’s not affiliated with George W. Bush’s political party.
But I still don’t see how half the country so easily stomachs his
extreme liberalism, his associations with Jeremiah Wright, his
relationship with terrorist William Ayers and the fact that his wife has
no pride in her country aside from its support of her husband.
Concerning Obama’s comments about the Middle Americans who cling to
their conservative beliefs because they’re mad about their income
bracket, many called him out of touch. But the truth is, those of us who
remain incredulous at Obama’s popularity are probably the ones who are
most out of touch.
The fact is that America is moving to the left. We haven’t reached
European proportions yet, but our direction is clear, we’re accelerating
and it’s time conservatives grasped it.
Part of me is really interested to see what will happen if Obama becomes
our next president. How much of his liberal agenda would he actually
achieve, and how would the country react? I worry that things will get
much worse, that we’ll lose much of our freedom, and the generally
strong Christian presence in our country that I believe is among the
primary reasons for our strength over the last few centuries will
rapidly diminish.
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, the movers and shakers in the country,
the great inventors, the rich, those who believe in freedom, all abandon
ship in the midst of political chaos. They say, “Screw it, let the
country go to hell and then they’ll realize how much they need us.”
Within a few years, it does go to hell, and then they take back the
Earth. The title comes from the Greek myth in which Atlas is condemned
to hold Ouranos, the Sky, on his shoulders, and keep it from colliding
with the Earth. And the idea Rand suggests is that, if the Earth was so
intent on destroying itself and those who maintain it, Atlas might as
well shrug.
the many points that keep the story from being even slightly believable,
the main one is when she makes such a clear distinction between the tiny
minority that “gets it,” and everyone else. Many of us think like this,
but it is both very elitist and very foolish.
We’re all a part of the crowd, and we are not so easily moved. The truth
is that 300 million people would not so quickly abandon their
conservative roots because of a liberal president who, up until very
recently, would have been regarded by many as completely insane and
truly out of touch. A completely different sort of president will only
slightly affect such a massive and stubborn citizenry. If we elect Obama,
our country will continue to move to the left, only a little faster.
McCain, though I can’t really consider him a great candidate, would, at
the very least, continue some small semblance of a conservative presence
in our government. And if we are headed straight to hell, at least we
won’t get there quite as quickly.
Those considering the idea of saying, “Screw it. Give them what they
want and we’ll see what happens,” ought to wake up. If we play the game
that way, everyone loses.
And if conservatives really are America’s crutch, remember that crutches
are not supposed to stifle. They’re designed to help us heal.
© 2008
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