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August 4, 2008
Time for a Conservative
Uprising in Hollywood
the end of July, The Washington Times published a story about a
group of Hollywood conservatives and centrists who had organized
themselves into a sort of "secret society" known as The Friends of Abe.
According to The Times, The Friends of Abe are "a loose-knit
network of entertainers who share common beliefs like supporting
troops and traditional American values."
The article noted that the group "functioned like a support group,
organizing informal gatherings where actors, producers, screenwriters,
key grips and other industry types can share common values or discuss
concerns like anti-Americanism in Hollywood movies or the perception of
industry bias . . ."
recent meeting of the group at an estate of a California billionaire
reportedly drew upwards of 600 people. Members of the group are
ferociously secretive for fear that their association with conservative
and/or pro-American causes would affect their prospects of being hired
for work in liberal Hollywood.
This is intriguing. It is well known that Hollywood tilts far to the
left. But there is no reason conservatives should accept the status quo.
Unlike universities, there is no tenure system that necessarily
insulates Hollywood from the fluctuations of the free market. Moreover,
the universities controlled by liberal academics also happen to be the
most reputable institutions of higher education in the world. While
major studios have name cache, I don't think that they are entrenched on
the top in the same way Harvard and Yale are in academia.
films with conservative themes are not getting made because of political
bias, it is time wealthy Republican investors team up with members of
the Friends of Abe to make marketable movies. The fact of the matter is
that there is a gaping hole in the market.
Over the last several years there have been numerous anti-war films
produced, nearly all of which have been box office bombs. Even Lions
for Lambs, which featured big name stars like Tom Cruise and Robert
Redford, was a miserable failure. The only anti-war flick to perform
well was Michael Moore's faux "documentary" Fahrenheit 9/11.
There is little question that a well-written movie about America's war
against Islamic terrorism, which illustrates the heroism of our troops
and the greatness of American values, would be huge hit at the box
office. The American public would eat it up. So if liberal Hollywood
refuses to make such a film, it is time for conservative Hollywood to
seize the opportunity.
The Weekly Standard's Stephen F. Hayes has an article in the
latest edition of the magazine about a new film, An American Carol,
by influential Hollywood Producer David Zucker that lampoons the left's
foreign policy positions. Zucker, who previously produced such iconic
films as Airplane! and Naked Gun, is a new convert to the
conservative cause.
Because of his high standing in Hollywood, he was able to get this
right-of-center satire made. The cast includes some of the most
well-known conservatives in the industry, including Kelsey Grammer,
Dennis Hopper, and Jon Voight.
Hayes’s piece is any indication, the film has the potential to be very
funny, but just as much potential to be a total dud. I hope that it is
the former and kills at the box office, but this slapstick-style
political satire is not the type of movie on which conservatives should
be banking their success.
new game plan is in order. It is time to create a conservative
production company or at least a production company open to conservative
themes. Such a production company could make great epics that Hollywood
has so far failed to make.
First, conservative investors should fund the production of a
pro-American, pro-troops War on Terror flick. There are plenty of great
angles from which such a movie could be made. Many books have been
written about harrowing tales of American heroism in Iraq and
Afghanistan by the U.S military. A great screenplay could be adapted
from one of these books or from any number of stories that surely exist.
The other glaring hole in the cinematic glossary is a Schindler's
List of communism. We have great epic movies detailing the horrors
of Hitler's Holocaust, as we should. But we do not have, to the best of
my knowledge, a classic film about the horrors of communism. There are
enumerable angles a film of this type could take. Done right, such a
film could break the bank.
It’s time for wealthy conservative investors to help remake Hollywood.
This is not charity. There is every reason to believe that such films
could be blockbusters in the same way The Passion of the Christ
was. By making these films, and making money from them, there is the
potential to shake up Hollywood by creating a new conservative power
Much in the same way that Fox News shook up TV news, a new conservative
production company could change Tinsel Town for the better.
© 2008
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