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July 7, 2008
Hell on Earth: Welcome to North Korea
"One day, I discovered three kernels of corn in a small pile of cow
dung, picked them up and cleaned them with my sleeve before eating,"
says Shin In-kun at
"As miserable as it may seem, that was my lucky day."
You may be asking yourself in what twisted world could that revolting
story be considered a lucky day? Welcome to North Korea.
Shin was born in 1982 in a North Korean prison camp. Growing up in this
misery, he knew almost nothing of the outside world. He barely met his
father and his brother. Though he lived with his mother for 12 years in
the camp, she was worked from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day, so Shin
hardly had any significant relationship with her.
the age of 12, Shin was separated from his mother and put to work in the
concentration camp. This was not your typical summer job at the local
shopping mall. It was the type of work where it wasn't uncommon for Shin
to see four to five children killed in a day.
Shin later discovered during a torture session to which he was subjected
that the reason he and his family were in the concentration camp was
that some of his ancestors had helped the South Korean government in the
Korean War. It didn't matter that the war occurred decades before Shin
was even born. He had to be punished for the sins of his family.
During this particular session, Shin was being tortured because his
mother and brother tried to escape the camp, something of which Shin
knew nothing. Nonetheless, Shin was tied up and chained to the ceiling
with a flame lit beneath him. In other words, he was being roasted
alive. Later, after Shin slowly recovered, he was taken to watch his
brother and mother be publicly executed.
After learning about the outside world from a new inmate to the camp,
Shin was awakened to a new reality. For the first time in his life, he
realized that not everyone lived they way he did. So in 2005, while sent
to collect fire wood on a mountain, Shin miraculously found an opening
and escaped. Ultimately, he made it to South Korea by way of China. This
was no easy journey in itself.
Shin's story reflects the horrid life in North Korean concentration
camps. Those who reside in these camps often have committed no real
crime themselves. Rather, they are paying for the "crime" of an
But the world outside these concentration camps is not dramatically
better than the world inside them. North Korea is a prison state. Its
population is subjected to the twisted universe of Kim Jong Il. The
"Dear Leader" indoctrinates his population to believe that their country
is a paradise and that he is, at various times, "the God of the
Contemporary World,” "the Saint of all Saints” and a deity whose "love
and trust in the popular masses are so absolute as to have no condition
whatsoever and so broad as to have no limit."
famine in the mid-1990s brought about by idiotic management of the North
Korean economy may have killed as many as 3 million people, or about 15
percent of the North Korean population. As Jasper Becker writes in his
book Rouge Regime, "a death toll of 3 million would mean more
victims than in Pol Pot's Cambodia . . . if 15 percent of [North
Korea's] population died, then the death toll, in proportion to the
country, surpasses any comparable disaster in the 20th Century."
There is little question that the responsibility for this disaster lies
with the sadistic "Saint of all Saints" who runs the country. His
economic policy defies logic as much as his cruel inhumanity defies
simple decency.
Even while much of the psyche of Kim Jong Il is cloaked in mystery, it
is clear that he is, at the very least, an eccentric man in addition to
an evil one. He loves movies so much that he had a South Korean director
and his actress wife kidnapped and brought to North Korea. He is
infatuated with Daffy Duck cartoons. And he has a passion for
encouraging murder.
his book, Becker quotes a concentration camp guard who escaped North
Korea as saying: "They trained me not to treat the prisoners as human
beings. If someone is against socialism, if someone tries to escape the
prison, then kill him . . . If there's a record of killing any escapee
then the guard will be entitled to study in college."
it is possible to approximate hell on earth, surely North Korea is
making a good go at it.
Former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky has written that "the
international community should never trust a state more than it trusts
its own people." If this is a proper standard, then one should not
expect any good to come from our current “breakthrough" with Kim Jong
Il's hellish regime.
© 2008
North Star Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.
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