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April 14, 2008
Jimmy Carter: The Dupe
Goes to Damascus
Former President Jimmy
Carter is reportedly set to travel to Syria this week to meet with Hamas
leader Khaled Meshal in order to engage the
terrorist in a discussion about the prospects for peace in the Holy
Land. What follows is an advance transcript of the meeting.
Carter (JC): Salaam aleikum Khaled. I'm Jimmy Carter.
Meshal (KM): Is that my main man Jimmy C? Come here and give me a hug. I
know we have never met before, but I feel like we have been friends
forever. We could use more guys like you in American poli, err, I mean
Great Satan politics.
JC: Thanks
very much Khaled. It is an honor to meet you. As you know, I am here
because I will do anything in the name of peace. I am, after all, a
winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
KM: You
know Jimmy, you and I aren't so different. You travel this long distance
to meet with me in the name of peace. I send my people to blow up
Israeli school children in the name of peace. Our methods may be
marginally different, but our goal is the same. We both seek peace, not
apartheid. By the way, I might be letting the cat out of the bag by
telling you this, but a good source tells me that I am in the running
for the 1st Annual
Osama Bin Laden
Prize for Peace. .
Congratulations. That's quite an honor. My office is actually trying to
schedule me a sit down meeting with Mr. Bin Laden as we speak. I hope to
create a peace arrangement with him as well.
Khaled, I would also add that I think we are both motivated by our
faith. It is just another . . .
. . . parallel between us. Yes, Allah akbar.
KM: Jimmy, I want you to know that I respect the Christian religion.
When the Islamic State of Palestine comes into being, we will welcome
Christians to live there happily as second class citizens and slaves.
Personally, I would very much like a beautiful, blond American Christian
girl to serve in my harem.
But enough chit chat. Let's get down to business. I suspect you are here
because you want to join our cause in a more, how shall I say this,
tangible way.
Yes, I am here to help create peace between you and the Israelis.
KM: You mean the Zionist murderers who occupy Palestine?
Yes, them.
KM: You see Jim Jim, I am not much of a "peace deal" man myself. I am
more of a Jihad guy. That said, I can play the game with the best of
them so long as it is in the furtherance of my goals.
Khaled winks at Carter.
JC: I don't understand.
KM: Oh, come on, Jimmy C. This is me you're talking to. Your buddy
Khaled. There are no cameras here. We can be honest with each other. I
am just saying that I can do the whole press conference thing with you,
you know, the "I am man of peace" spiel. Yes, yes, I am willing to
negotiate a peace deal and go through all the motions. I can play that
act so long as it moves my people closer to our goal.
JC: Of peace?
KM: Yes, of peace. A peace where the Palestinians control all the pieces
of Palestine.
JC: And the Jews?
KM: What is with you and the Jews? You sound obsessed. What are you, a
member of The Lobby or something?
Anyway, the Prophet tells us how we should deal with our Jewish
"friends". As he once said and the Hamas charter declares: "The Day of
Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the
Jews), when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and
trees will say “O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and
kill him.’"
But enough talking about the Jews. Let's discuss how you can help us.
Tell me what I can do to help advance peace? Serve as a mediator?
KM: Well, that is certainly one way we could go about it. But I think I
have a better idea. I have devised a very special mission for you Jim
Jim. This is something that will make you a historic figure and a
My ears are open.
KM: Well, in my closet I have a present for you. It is a vest.
What kind of vest?
KM: A very special vest Jim Jim. A vest that very few people will ever
have the pleasure of wearing. But what I need you to do, Jimmy C, is put
on the vest once you leave our meeting today. Then, I want you to
schedule a meeting with Zionists to discuss our plan for peace. Now, and
this is the important part, when all the Zionist officials are in the
room for your meeting I need you to pull the cord on the vest.
And then what?
KM: And then . . . boom! We move closer to peace in our time!
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