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March 17, 2008
Terror from Gaza: No
Nation Would Accept What Israel Faces
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon spoke to his nation the night
after Israeli soldiers began removing settlements from the Gaza Strip
and implementing their prime minister’s historic Disengagement Plan in
“The world awaits the Palestinian response – a hand offered in peace or
continued terrorist fire,” he told his countrymen and the world at
large. “To a hand offered in peace, we will respond with an olive
branch. But if they choose fire, we will respond with fire, more severe
than ever.”
This is the context from which the world should view the heinous upswing
in terror being perpetrated against Israeli civilians in recent weeks.
Memories are fleeting, especially those of journalists and world
leaders, but it should not be forgotten that it was just over
two-and-a-half years ago that Israel made a historic, painful and bold
move for peace.
Sharon’s point that summer night in 2005 was crystal clear: Israel is
leaving Gaza, but now Gaza is the responsibility of the Palestinians. If
terrorism continued from the territory that was now under their purview,
Israel would respond with overwhelming force – and they would have every
legal and moral right to do so.
Since then, the terrorist group Hamas, elected by the Palestinian
people, has taken effective control over the Gaza Strip. Proving
themselves worthy of the designation “terror group,” they have turned
Gaza into a terrorist state, launching rocket attacks into Israeli
cities on a regular basis. They also recently claimed responsibility for
the horrific gunning down of eight religious students, most of them
teenagers, in a Jerusalem yeshiva.
With the likely help of Iran and Syria, Hamas’s rockets have increased
in sophistication and range, putting an estimated 250,000 Israelis under
threat. With hundreds of these rockets being fired into Israeli towns
every month, if not every week, residents in cities such as the border
town of Sderot live with the fear that these crude and imprecise weapons
of terror could at any moment and with very little warning snatch their
life or the lives of their loved ones.
This is terror and this is war. The conflict has been thrust upon Israel
by an organization that seeks nothing less than genocide. Read their
charter. Hamas not only calls for the destruction of Israel, but the
killing of Jews in general. The fact that this insidious organization is
weak, and Israel strong, is immaterial in the calculus. Few doubt that
if Hamas had the strength and the means of greater destruction, that
many more Israeli bodies would be lying in the streets. This being the
case, the Israeli government not only has a right, but in fact a moral
obligation to its citizens, to neutralize this festering cancer at its
border before it grows and increases in lethality.
attempting to defend itself against Hamas by destroying its capacity for
terror, Israel has unfortunately killed innocent Palestinians. Innocent
life lost, no matter Israeli or Palestinian, is tragic. But it should be
clear that the moral culpability for such losses does not reside with
the Israeli Defense Forces, who carry out their operations in a manner
that attempts to protect innocent life to the greatest possible extent,
but with Hamas itself, whose careless and cruel disregard for innocent
life is well documented.
Today, in the context of this increased bloodshed, the international
community is calling for Israelis and Palestinians to lower tensions.
Even the United States, while condemning the attacks against Israel, has
urged restraint. But is this the type of response Israel should receive
from the world community?
No, it is not. You get the sense that many countries, in Europe
especially, view the current conflict through the lens of the “cycle of
violence” mentality. In so adopting this lens, the world community
essentially equates Hamas terrorism and Israeli military operations as
being one and the same morally. This is, of course, nonsense. To
paraphrase the recently departed William F. Buckley: “If a man pushes an
old lady into the way of an oncoming train and another man pushes an old
lady out of the way of an oncoming train, we shouldn’t go around saying
that both men push old ladies.” He was speaking in the context of
America and the Soviet Union in the Cold War, but the same surely
applies today in the context of Israel and Hamas.
The proper response for the international community is to put its
support behind Israel, trusting it to act morally and wisely, but
encouraging it to do whatever necessary to protect its citizens and
strike a blow for the good guys in the global war against
Islamic-inspired terrorism.
country would tolerate a barrage of rocket attacks from a neighboring
territory. And if no country in the world would tolerate such
atrocities, no country should expect Israel to do so either.
© 2008
North Star Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.
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