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January 28, 2008
Hillary Clinton
Brilliant? New York Times, Cut the Crap!
someone is going to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman,
then so be it. If someone is going to vote for Barack Obama because he
is black, then so be it. But for the New York Times to endorse
Hillary Clinton because they consider her “brilliant”, and in possession
of “powerful intellect,” is a real fairy tale.
Give me a break, please!
is no surprise that the Times endorsed the most liberal Democrat
and the most liberal Republican of the presidential contenders – Hillary
Clinton and John McCain. But to try to justify their predisposition
toward Hillary with empty assessments of her is worse than the empty
political rhetoric she uses to disguise her real lack of intellect, bad
ideas and huge lack of experience.
Most recently (since space does not permit a listing of all her bad
ideas), she said she would freeze interest rates for five years in order
to help ease the mortgage crisis that some people are facing. Even
though most of us (80 percent) are handling our mortgage payments just
fine, she would totally disrupt and distort the mortgage lending
business and bring on all of the unintended consequences, which would
include sending an economic correction into an economic recession.
Earth to Hillary! That’s a price control, and they do not work. Just ask
Harry Truman, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter. Secondly, the president
does not have the power to freeze interest rates without an act of both
houses of Congress, and without overriding the mission of the Federal
Reserve System, which Congress empowered to help mitigate inflation,
recessions and total economic collapse. But to say you would “freeze
interest rates” is brilliant political rhetoric.
Hillary’s idea of “universal health care” is another brilliant political
promise, because it panders to the fears and ignorance of 50 percent of
the general public. Never mind the fact that socialized medicine
in every country that has tried it has led to health care rationing,
which puts life and death decisions in the hands of bureaucrats instead
of families and doctors.
suppose that reflects Hillary’s powerful intellect since she wants to
follow those failed social experiments.
for Hillary’s experience, I have yet to see, hear or read one ounce of
substantive evidence of her self-proclaimed 35 years of experience. She
and her Kool-Aid-drinking followers are counting her years as the wife
of the governor and president as “experience.” (Insert scream of one’s
choice here for emphasis.)
The leader of the most powerful nation in the world should have led
something, somewhere, at some time – even if it were just a Girl Scout
troop. Conning the people of New York State to a first and second term
as their senator is not leadership experience. As an enlightened caller
to my nightly radio show observed recently, some people confused
familiarity with experience. Hillary has a lot of name recognition and
familiarity after 35 years of being in the media spotlight, but as my
grandfather would say, “That ain’t no experience.”
Anyone who would vote for Hillary Clinton or John McCain, or anybody
else for that matter, simply because they are endorsed by the New
York Times is obviously independent-thinking-challenged.
There is no perfect presidential candidate for all the various
constituencies that have been created by decades of political pandering,
and the millions of people who are graduates of Sound Bite University.
But Hillary Clinton is at the bottom of the list of presidential
contenders, not because she is a woman, or white, or a Democrat or a
liberal, but because she is the least compelling as a leader, an
intellect, a communicator or a brilliant problem-solver with good ideas.
This is just one man’s opinion, who happens not to own a
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