Gregory D.
Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
June 3, 2008
Imagine America
Under Democrats: DNC Offers a Revealing Demonstration
Ever wonder what it
would be like if the Democrats swept this November’s general election
and had a veto-proof majority in the House and Senate? Well, there was
no better example of that nightmare scenario than last Saturday’s DNC
Rules Committee meeting.
The committee heard
arguments from several prominent Democratic National Committee members,
as well as from Sen. Bill Nelson who made his pitch to seat all Florida
delegates at this summer’s convention.
Sen. Nelson was the
only adult in the room. He gave a compelling presentation in which he
reminded the DNC members that Florida changed the date of their primary
elections because of an amendment to another bill that provided a paper
trail of all future electronic votes cast in the state. The two-thirds
Republican-controlled legislation, with the support of many Democrats,
voted for what they perceived was an important bill. The Democratic
legislators didn’t want a date change, but felt compelled to vote for
the bill anyway. Without saying it, Sen. Nelson portrayed the Democratic
Florida legislators as being between a rock and a hard place. It’s like
saying, “Don’t blame me for causing a train wreck. I was a passenger of
the truck that stopped on the tracks!”
According to Sen.
Nelson, despite being told numerous times their vote wouldn’t count,
Democrats did their civic duty and went to the polls in record
numbers. They demonstrated that nothing was going to deter them from
exercising their constitutional right to vote, that is – except other
From watching the
proceedings, Sen. Nelson made more sense than any Democrat I have heard
for some time. He laid the facts out logically and convincingly that the
primary date change was not the fault of Democratic voters in his state.
The Democratic legislators were simply outnumbered by the Republicans,
and there was nothing they could do to stop the primary date change. He
asked that in light of these uncontrollable circumstances, the DNC not
punish Florida, and seat all of its delegates at the convention.
Next was Michigan’s
turn, but it seemed those arguments fell on the deaf ears of
unsympathetic, draconian DNC Rules Committee members.
The committee
predictably voted to compromise rather than do the right thing.
Democrats love to compromise and appease because they don’t have any
core principles and hate to make hard decisions, even when they are
dealing with their own kind. Each Florida and Michigan delegate will get
half a vote, whereas the other
states’ delegates each get a full vote. Sounds like slaves being granted
less than a full vote because of his race. Somewhere in the fuzzy math,
Sen. Clinton lost four delegates to Sen. Obama. What’s so democratic
about that?
Never mind that Florida had a rock solid
argument about changing the primary date. It didn’t matter to two-thirds
of the DNC elders. They seemed hell-bent on making Barack Obama the next
Democratic nominee for president, and logic and injustice to the voters
of two key states was not going to get in the way.
Clinton's chief spokesman at the event, Harold Ickes, informed the
committee that Sen. Clinton reserved her right to appeal the matter to
the Democrats' credentials committee. Hopefully, this will create even
greater political theater at the Democratic convention in August.
When the final votes
for reseating the delegates were announced, many Hillary Clinton
supporters stormed out of the room. Loud boos and hissing was heard.
Instead of achieving party unity, the DNC dunces managed to drive a
wedge further between the supporters of Obama and Clinton.
This whole process
illustrates how Democrats would govern if they had a veto-proof majority
in both houses of Congress and a president in the White House. They
govern like little dictators who would like you to believe they are
benevolent, but in reality, they are incompetent, power hungry and think
they know what is best for you. These are the same people who don’t want
both winners and losers at sporting events because it may affect a
participant’s self-esteem. They think kickball is too violent, and can’t
wait to regulate every aspect of your life to conform to their left-wing
This is what you have
to look forward to if the Democrats dominate the three branches of
government. Many Democrats are inflicted with the mental deficiency
known as liberalism, which affects their ability to govern effectively.
They need to be balanced with mature, adult Republican leadership to
make them sit in the corner until they learn how to play nice with
Gregory D. Lee is
a nationally syndicated columnist who can be contacted through his
website: www.gregorydlee.com.
© 2008 North Star
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