Gregory D.
Read Greg's bio and previous columns here
February 22, 2008
Nancy Pelosi Helps
Al Qaeda Run Out the Clock on the Bush Administration
There has never been a
better example of Democrats’ lack of commitment to national security
than when Congress took a 12-day recess without passing a permanent
version of the Protect America Act of 2007.
This is Speaker Nancy
Pelosi’s biggest leadership failure to date.
President Bush has
extended the law on several occasions but refused to do so this time in
order to pressure Congress to finally act on a permanent version of the
law. The Senate had already included in its version of this legislation
provisions that directs telecommunications companies to assist the
government in its collection of foreign telephone calls and emails, and
in turn, provides them retroactive protection from lawsuits. Liberal
members of Congress, however, do not support these provisions primarily
because their trial lawyer campaign contributors would lose their
ability to sue deep-pocketed companies.
None of this would be
necessary if technology had not advanced to the point where some emails
and international telephone calls flows through U.S.-based
telecommunications equipment. By virtue of this, a Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act court order is required before some emails or phone
calls can be monitored, even though it originated in a foreign country.
The updated law
eliminates the warrant requirement the same as before technology
advancements, and provides much needed civil liability protection for
telephone companies that are doing the right thing by assisting the
government in protecting its citizens and their customers.
Without these provisions, what
expectation does the government have that a large telecommunications
company will continue to assist the government when there is every
possibility they will be sued for doing so?
You can tell the
Democrats know they’ve been caught trying to pull a fast one, because
they are suddenly sensitive to being called soft on national security.
If fact, their knee-jerk reaction is to blame President Bush if any
intelligence is missed while they are sipping margaritas on the beach,
because he refused to sign another extension of the temporary fix, the
Protect America Act, which expired the day after they left town.
The Democrats are
obviously trying to run the clock out on President Bush’s term and see
him replaced by either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Neither one will
push for any updated legislation. In case you’re wondering, on the
Senate version of the bill, Obama voted against it, and Clinton didn’t
even bother to show up to vote. These are clues that reveal what you can
expect from either of them as the next president of the United States.
Why would House
Democrats take a chance of losing vital intelligence that might prevent
another major attack on America? Either they don’t take Al Qaeda threats
seriously, or they are secretly rooting for the bad guys. Which one is
said: "He (President Bush) knows that the underlying 'intelligence' law
and the power given to him in the Protect America Act give him
sufficient authority to do all of the surveillance and collecting that
he needs to do in order to protect the American people."
Tell that
to Mike McConnell, the Director of National Intelligence, who said this
about the possible effects of not passing the Protect America Act:
"More than likely we would miss
the very information we need to prevent some horrendous act from taking
place in the United States." Obviously, unlike the Speaker, he doesn’t
have any idea what he is talking about, right? He’s just the Director of
National Intelligence. At least he’ll be in Washington doing his job
while members of Congress are on taxpayer-funded shopping junkets.
Pelosi and her colleagues cannot defend the indefensible. She is the
main reason Congress’s approval rating is at 17 percent and will likely
remain there until adult leadership takes her place.
D. Lee is a criminal justice consultant and terrorism expert. He can be
reached through his website: www.gregorydlee.com.
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