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August 11, 2008
Dick Cheney to Center
Stage (The Real One, Not the Green-Eyed Monster)
Dick Cheney is going to speak in prime time on the first night of the
Republican National Convention, right before President Bush.
Maybe the John McCain campaign isn’t determined to run from what
it knows is right just because it’s unpopular. Maybe McCain has decided
it’s better to show America the people who have been, in reality,
keeping the country safe for the past seven-and-a-half years – rather
than letting the nation continue to conceptualize the green-eyed,
fang-toothed villains they seem to have in mind when they talk to
It’s not news that Bush is going to speak at the convention. He’s the
president. He gets to speak, regardless of his approval ratings.
Two-term presidents always get the opportunity to give a valedictory
address. The news is that Cheney will speak. There had been speculation
to the contrary, and as recently as last week his office was
noncommittal about it – presumably waiting for confirmation that the
McCain people were not afraid to have him appear on stage.
They’re not. Either that or they’re even more afraid of creating a story
by shutting him out. It’s possible that they fear a
Cheney-is-missing-because-everyone-hates-him story would get more
attention than simply letting the man talk.
Whatever the reason, Cheney’s appearance – not to mention the
president’s – offers an opportunity for the McCain campaign to seriously
undercut one of Barack Obama’s most vacuous campaign tactics. You know
this one. Current Iraq policy? It’s the Bush-McCain Iraq War. Energy
policy? It’s the Cheney-McCain-Halliburton policy. A McCain presidency
would be the third term for Bush-Cheney-McCain, blah blah blah . . .
Obama the “new kind of politician” follows the old formulas without
fail. Bush and Cheney have low approval ratings. Therefore, mention
McCain in connection to them whenever you can.
reality, though, the public hasn’t seen that much of Bush, and even less
of Cheney, for the past couple of years. This is partly because the
media decided the day after the 2006 mid-term elections that Bush and
Cheney were yesterday’s news, and severely scaled back covering them.
With respect to Cheney, it is also because a vice president who is not
running for president is a rather curious and, in a politics-obsessed
environment, not all that newsworthy figure.
But perhaps most importantly, and most frustratingly for many of their
remaining supporters, neither Bush nor Cheney seems all that interested
in combating their unpopularity. Bill Clinton and the perpetual campaign
this is not. Bush does what he does, the polls be damned, and Cheney
operates behind the scenes – doing whatever it is that he’s doing. As
far as much of the public is concerned, Cheney boils orphans and eats
their bones for breakfast, then sends their ragged clothes to oil
company executives who hire Rumplestiltskin to spin them into gold.
When Cheney takes the stage in St. Paul in September, that’s the guy a
lot of people will be expecting to see. But that’s not what they’re
going to get.
Dick Cheney is a principled man motivated by duty and country. He gave
up riches by agreeing to run for vice president. The dolts who claim he
is steering contracts to his Halliburton pals forget that Cheney had to
sell his Halliburton stock to join Bush’s ticket in 2000. If he’d wanted
to enrich himself, he could have remained as Halliburton’s CEO and
really made a killing.
Cheney is thoughtful, reflective, soft-spoken and serious. He knows more
about real threats to the nation’s security than Barack Obama and his
entire team of national security advisors put together. He understands
that to govern is to choose, and that to be serious about protecting the
nation is to make choices that don’t win you praise from all quarters –
or sometimes from any quarters.
don’t hear from Dick Cheney all that much because Cheney doesn’t care
for the attention. Why does he need it? He didn’t take the job of vice
president to position himself for the presidency. He took it to serve.
He’s willingly taken much of the public abuse from constituencies who
refuse to be adults about the nation’s real challenges and the steps
necessary to confront them.
The nation isn’t going to see the guy they’re expecting when Cheney
speaks. They’re going to hear from a man who has done exactly what he had to
do, won’t apologize and won’t pander. They’re going to hear from a man
who loves this country, and its people, and has been committed to
selflessly serving both for a very long time. And the nation is going to
respect what they see and hear, to the point where they’re going to
start wondering why they’ve believed all the Evil-Dick-Cheney nonsense
they’ve been spoon-fed for the past several years.
And no matter what their spinners tell the media, it’s going to make the
Obama campaign very nervous – as it should. When one of your primary
campaign tactics is based on a complete falsehood, the truth is a
frightening thing.
© 2008 North Star
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