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June 5, 2008
What Does Hillary
Want? Who Cares? She Lost
You didn’t really
think she would just concede, did you? Just because it’s over? Just
because she lost? Just because her campaign now has no chance, no point
and, oh yeah, no money either?
She’s Hillary
Clinton! She’s not giving up on you! (Funny the way Hillary spells
One of the things
people do, when they don’t want to do the only thing they can do, is act
like it’s not clear what to do. The deposed Queen Inevitable
"This has always
been your campaign,” she told supporters at a “victory” rally held on
the night she lost. “I hope you'll go to my web site at
HillaryClinton.com and share your thoughts with me and help in any way
that you can. And in the coming days, I'll be consulting with supporters
and party leaders to determine how to move forward with the best
interests of our party and our country guiding my way."
Yes, she needs to
consult supporters and party leaders to “determine how to move forward,”
and as many of them as possible, because if she asks enough people, she
might find someone who will say something other than, “Get a clue, give
it up and concede.” None did, which is why we now hear that she will
formally end her campaign on Friday – although I’ll believe that when I
see it.
Good night. Is there
anyone more narcissistic than this woman? Even Al Gore, a man who
shamelessly tried to sue his way to the White House, made a reasonably
gracious concession speech once every possible avenue to victory had
closed to him.
Not so, the junior
senator from New York. Why concede? You never know what might happen.
There’s that rumor about a nasty Michelle Obama video surfacing. Maybe
that will scare Barack Obama’s superdelegates into switching back to
her. And hey! Obama could be assassinated! After all, Bobby Kennedy was.
And Obama’s never come under sniper fire, so he might not know enough to
duck. Someone should be hanging around, waiting in the wings, just in
Hillary Clinton.
Ready to horn in on someone else’s achievement on day one.
Officials of her
campaign are unsure about Hillary’s priority at this point. Some say she
wants to be vice president, and imply that she will make life difficult
for Obama if he doesn’t put her on the ticket. Others say she just wants
respect, which she thinks she has earned.
Either way, the
question on everyone’s lips is, “What does Hillary want?”
Whatever. Can you
imagine this question being so predominant with respect to any other
losing candidate?
Everyone knows what
she wants. She wants to be president. It is the sole purpose of her
life. She considered the Democratic nomination her birthright – not,
memo to Rev. Pfleger, because she is white, but because she is Hillary
Rodham Freaking Clinton.
But she doesn’t get
to be president. Once this became irreversible, she started flailing around like the robot on Lost in
Space declaring “that does not compute,” trying to maneuver every
which way she could to stop Dr. Smith from yanking her power pack and
calling her a bubble-headed booby.
Sure, we know what
she wants. But who cares? I want a lobster, but I’m not gettin’ a
lobster. Lots of people don’t get things they want. And almost everyone
who wants to be president doesn’t get to be. It’s not that unusual.
One of Hillary’s
minions defended her refusal to concede on the grounds that it is too
soon after the loss, and no one could possibly be expected to step up
and congratulate the winner so soon. Beautiful! It’s only been obvious
since March that Obama would win the nomination. How could Hillary
possibly be over the shock? I hear the Colorado Rockies just conceded
last year’s World Series this afternoon. Take your time, Hillary. A
patient America will wait.
There was never any
serious rationale for her candidacy to begin with. She’s not a
particularly outstanding senator. Her policy ideas are unremarkable. And
she has this tepid relationship with the truth, which is part and parcel
to the shameless serving of her own self-interest to the exclusion of
all else.
But she’s a fighter! And in the world where Hillary gets to define
things, refusing to give the other guy props for beating you somehow
translates into a presidential quality.
Some of us had had
enough of Mrs. No-Cookie-Baker around July 1992. The rest of the nation
– save for a handful of sycophants and the odd angry feminist – has now
joined us.
It doesn’t matter
what Hillary wants. It only matters what she gets, which is to be a
loser. It’s the only thing she’s earned. The sooner she takes her
medicine and goes away, the sooner a grateful nation will finally sigh
deeply and say, “Thank God that’s over!”
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