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March 27, 2008
How Could Hillary
Clinton Be So Stupid? The Question Answers Itself
have all known people who felt the need to embellish their own lives’
stories, figuring that no one would be all that impressed with the
genuine article.
“Would you like to go out with me? What do I do? I work for the police.
In fact, I’m the chief of police!”
What Jon Lovitz introduced into pop culture as pathological liar Tommy
Flanagan on Saturday Night Live, Hillary Clinton now brings to
our presidential politics.
She went to Bosnia and was greeted by a little girl – no, scratch that,
was greeted by sniper fire! Yeah, that’s it. And she walked off
the plane, no, she ran with her head down to get to the car as fast
as she could! Yeah. That’s the ticket.
Fine. So Hillary made up some complete B.S. about coming under sniper
fire in Bosnia. That’s no surprise. Hillary has lied about everything
from who she was named after to where her billing records were to how
she made that cattle futures killing. Hillary Clinton is a liar. We’ve
all known that for a very long time.
But this latest incident has raised eyebrows because Hillary is supposed
to be so smart.
How could she concoct such a bunch of hogwash about an incident that was
also attended by many members of the press and other invited guests? She
couldn’t figure out that someone like Sinbad would go public with his
very different (in other words, true) recollection of events? She
couldn’t figure out that various print reporters who were there would
write what they remember?
She couldn’t figure out that someone would have archived news video that
shows the greeting ceremony she says didn’t happen – and shows the
heads-down-sniper-fire-ducking not happening?
How could she do something so stupid, when we all know she is so
Well, let’s see. Here’s a thought: She’s not smart.
Exactly where did the idea that she is smart come from in the first
place? Because she is a lawyer? You think there are no dumb lawyers?
Because she got put in charge of health care reform in the most
disastrous episode of nepotism in the history of the United States? That
was impressive. Because she got elected to the U.S. Senate on the basis
of name recognition after the White House strong-armed qualified
candidates to get out of the way for her?
Now we hear that she is smart because she has “a command of policy
matters.” That’s supposed to be impressive? She’s a United States
Senator. What else does she have to do, other than make up stories about
her battle exploits?
smart person would a) attempt to pass off such baloney as truth; b)
stick to her story when called out by multiple witnesses; then c) claim
she only mis-remembered it just days after telling it in painstaking
detail and defying anyone to show she was wrong.
can we now dispense with the notion that Hillary is smart? She very
obviously is nothing of the sort.
But it’s more than that. It’s all about the now-unraveled Hillary
mythology, and it proves once and for all that Hillary – perhaps more
than anyone – doesn’t believe her own advertising.
She knows she is not all that and a bag of chips. Otherwise, she
wouldn’t make up stupid crap about herself. She knows she is not
experienced. She knows she is not ready to lead on day one. She knows
that if the 3 a.m. phone call comes, her only hope will be to pray that
Bill has managed to make it home by then (preferably alone).
Hillary has never accomplished anything except on Bill’s back, and the
only way to rectify that is to equal his biggest achievement. And the
only way to make herself appear qualified to do so is to lie, because
the truth just isn’t all that impressive.
That’s what many people do when they look back over their lives and
don’t see much to hang their hats on. They substitute a more intriguing
narrative. Heck, maybe Hillary’s played this story so many times in her
mind, she actually does believe she came under sniper fire. Maybe
Tommy Flanagan really believed he was married to Morgan Fairchild.
But Tommy was entertaining. Hillary is either mentally deluded or the
most simultaneously dishonest and stupid woman in America. Either way,
she’s wasting our time and diverting our focus from serious people who
are trying to make a real case for themselves as candidates for
president. And the longer she keeps this up, the more desperate she
becomes, and the more embarrassing it all gets.
Maybe some day she will tell stories of her brilliant presidential
campaign. Yeah. That’s the ticket.
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