Many years ago, Lucifer, one of the highest-ranking of God's
created angels, attempted to lead a rebellion and ascend to
the throne of God himself. He managed to persuade a third of
all the angels to join with him in this rebellion.
They lost.
Cast out of Heaven and hurled to Earth, these spiritual beings
found themselves relegated to a miserable existence of
frustration, bitterness and rage against God and his creation.
Taking up residence in the "heavenly realms," they seek to
devour and destroy God's people for one reason: They desire
revenge against the God who defeated their insurgency and
expelled them from paradise, and they get it by separating his
people from his love, his power and his blessings.
The demons' primary tactic in this war is simple: They don't
destroy people. They incite people to destroy themselves. The
willing victim gives himself or herself over to all kinds of
lies, indulgences, hatred and foolishness. Some are so
vulnerable to these snares that the demons can even take
possession of their bodies. When that happens, the demons'
ability to wreak havoc is frighteningly enhanced.
The typical human being is completely unaware of any of this,
although some have the gift on spiritual discernment. And in
Powers and Principalities, one person, Clay Bender, can see
it all with his own eyes. |